Self proclaimed artist and animator who likes animating and storytelling.

Thomas Boyce @Griffinflash

2D Animator / Rigger

Sheridan College


Joined on 2/11/07

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Coming soon?

Posted by Griffinflash - September 20th, 2007

Still working on a few projects, at the moment I'm working on Zelda: Pokemon of Courage Ep 2. It's going great. I've changed the animation style to look less cartoonish and a bit like an anime, it's not the best but it is better. You'll meet some new characters from the game and some you have never seen before. The plot begins to unfold as the mysteries of the Triforce are soon revealed. Will Link be a successfull Pokemon Master, and will Navi ever shut up. The answer to those will come soon, no he will not, and Navi will soon be strangled. Hope you guys enjoyed episode 1.

PS: BTW I don't still like pokemon, I just like to parody it! Just fun memories of childhood. I do like zelda though. Oot is my Fav. and there is nothing out there that can compete with it!

I am also making a halloween flash, will be very late.

The Legend of Zelda: Deku Tree's Curse.

Link experiences halloween for the first time in this action packed, horror, comedy experience. After his adventures through time, link begins to have nightmares of the deku trees death. In them he is accused of killing the deku tree. Link's new fear isn't all to worry about. When Saria decides to bring link along for halloween and explore the suposedly haunted and curse deku tree, things start to get ugly.

(BTW, I know no one reads this so why do I bother?)
(Because I care for my 0.001 veiwers that I get, lol)

Please I want comments and feedback on this, but no, "Go kill yourself", or, "You suck you retard", or anything close to that. I don't like getting those, and I hate it when I worked on an animation for a long time, put it up on newground hoping people will like it, then I get treated like crap. ( I know many people feel this way). So please.

Coming soon?


I liked the first one, I canĀ“t wait to see this one.

Thanks, I'm working hard on it.


oh plz hurry up and post it on NG already! i can't wait!! at least have it by Thanksgiving so I can be thankful it's in the Portal. lol! but seriously

Um..well I'm alomost done part 1 of 3. I just need to get a few of my friends to add voices and I'll see what I can do. BTW I'm in Canada so I already passed thankgiving, lol.

do you live in the eastern part? near quebec? cuz if so i live on the eastern half of North America aswell.

Um, I use to live in ontario but moved, so at the moment the west.

oh, lol. i remember that 2 years ago on thanksgiving i had the stomach virus. do you know how agonizing that is? i mean the only thing on tv is food adds and christmas adds, and OMG does the dog show afer Macy's thatnksgiving day parade(curse you macy's!! curse you to hell!!!!) get annoying. and don't even get me started on how everyone else is feasting and all you can eat is ice chips & Ginger Ale which you upchuck sooner or later. a tip, NEVER, i repeat, NEVER go without food b4 thanksgiving. thx for your time. and correction, "oh plz hurry up and post it on NG already! i can't wait!! at least have it by Thanksgiving ([correction:] by the second to last thursday in November.)so I can be thankful it's in the Portal. lol! but seriously"

Wow, you really want this animation done.

Um....you have seen my animation style I hope, so don't expect any Brackenwood, or real legend of zelda, or Zelda UO. I'm almost done part 1, just about 30 seconds left then the credits, then I'm going to get my brother and his friend, if possible, to do the voice acting. Sry for the wait.

Wow, my Birthday is today and newgrounds atomatically changed the age on my account, sweet!

"18 now, but still making stupid, immature, kid like flashes and parodies, yeah!"

Age/Gender: 18, Male
Location: Canada
Job: 3d Computer animator

BTW: Halloween flash, sort-of, may be delaid, again, because my brother is a @#&% and would not help me with the voices. He couldn't find the "TIME" to do it. More like was too "BUSY" playing "VIDEO GAMES" 24/7. So at the "MOMENT" i'm "THINKING" of just using my "CRAPPY" voice with the help of audacity, then change the voices in the future when I can find someone more "RELIABLE".

I HOPE YOUR READING THIS MYTHCLONER. (real name shall not be used).

I tend to prefer not asking people on newgrounds to voice for me for certain reason. People I know are easier to track down if anything happens, I know if they are reliable or not, and I can work face to face with them. PLUS i know them.
I'm not going to put up the flash with no voices because in the past i have found that to be disasterous. Maybe putting it up at christmas can be a parody in itself. Only part one of the movie revolves around halloween anyhow, part 2 has a bit of halloween but it's more of a story of someone going crazy, and part 3 is more of a traditional zelda story explaining why the name was changed from "Link's first halloween adventure" to "Deku Tree's Curse".

I just felt like ranting on and on, I have nothing to do at the moment so I found this enertaining while I wait for my university "new media" class to start in about.....1 hour. "DAM IT"

Brackenwood is great, but your animation is way better. It's AMAZING!!!! Why would you think I'd expect Brackenwood?

I don't know, I felt a little down that day, sorry.

I had a lot to do.

please make it hurry!i cant wait to see it.it hav to be good!