Self proclaimed artist and animator who likes animating and storytelling.

Thomas Boyce @Griffinflash

2D Animator / Rigger

Sheridan College


Joined on 2/11/07

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Griffinflash's News

Posted by Griffinflash - December 12th, 2007

NEW: I know that I promised for it to be done by christmas, but I just feel so lazy right now. I not in the mood for animating at that moment, and when I'm not in the right mood it show it in my work, like I start getting lazy and make boring scenes.

I'm also under a lot of stress because being home for the holiday I have to deal with all the noise of the t.v. full blast in the living room, my brother playing games in the other room, my sister and her dog running around the place like maniacs screaming at the top of their lungs, and many other annoyances. I can't work when their is noise and chaos, it's just irritating. If any other flash artist is reading this you may know what I mean.

But right now no one's home, so i think i'll get back to work. One last scene( I even wrote down a story board, split into 7 pictures), then credits, a bit of actionscripting, voices (Finally got voice actors, not the best, but at least something), and that's it.

Please don't be mad at me for the 3 month delay. I am really trying, it's just that random events are constantly poping up that are delaying me more an more.

:( lol.

I just posted up a preview for the second episode of my Zelda-Pokemon crossover series. It won't be done anytime soon but I thought it would be fun to show people. The quality is bad due to exporting it from flash and using an old version of movie maker, so sorry, nothing I could do. Follow the link to see it.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oRN2I6 O__Y

And here's a short beta preview for another movie I'm making based off of the PSO series. I'll like to remind people that it is a beta opening movie to see how the series might work out, I did it in under 30 minutes.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QRkMq6 SJTM&feature=user

And my Zelda halloween special will be up and running by christmas, I have had a lot to do recently like midterm, projects, final assignments, studying, and I have exams all this week and next. But I finally promise that it will be up during the christmas break. I originally started back in september hoping to finish by halloween, I just had too much on my plate at the time. So expect to see the christmas/halloween movie:

Zelda: Deku tree's curse-part 1, by this christmas.

Zelda Pokemon Crossover preview

Posted by Griffinflash - September 20th, 2007

Still working on a few projects, at the moment I'm working on Zelda: Pokemon of Courage Ep 2. It's going great. I've changed the animation style to look less cartoonish and a bit like an anime, it's not the best but it is better. You'll meet some new characters from the game and some you have never seen before. The plot begins to unfold as the mysteries of the Triforce are soon revealed. Will Link be a successfull Pokemon Master, and will Navi ever shut up. The answer to those will come soon, no he will not, and Navi will soon be strangled. Hope you guys enjoyed episode 1.

PS: BTW I don't still like pokemon, I just like to parody it! Just fun memories of childhood. I do like zelda though. Oot is my Fav. and there is nothing out there that can compete with it!

I am also making a halloween flash, will be very late.

The Legend of Zelda: Deku Tree's Curse.

Link experiences halloween for the first time in this action packed, horror, comedy experience. After his adventures through time, link begins to have nightmares of the deku trees death. In them he is accused of killing the deku tree. Link's new fear isn't all to worry about. When Saria decides to bring link along for halloween and explore the suposedly haunted and curse deku tree, things start to get ugly.

(BTW, I know no one reads this so why do I bother?)
(Because I care for my 0.001 veiwers that I get, lol)

Please I want comments and feedback on this, but no, "Go kill yourself", or, "You suck you retard", or anything close to that. I don't like getting those, and I hate it when I worked on an animation for a long time, put it up on newground hoping people will like it, then I get treated like crap. ( I know many people feel this way). So please.

Coming soon?